Well, Peter and I can barely move, and need copious naptimes, because the last two days have started off with a hike up a hill at the end of town to Mirador la Cruz, a city lookout and location of a giant cross and a little park. Rhet brought us, along with Australian & American friends, to the top early in the morning to teach us free Cappoeira classes. I don´t really know how to explain it...kind of dancing plus martial arts, used originally by Brazilian slaves. Rhet was flipping all over the place, so crazy. Definitely a workout.
Not too far of a hike rewarded us with a great view!
Last night we had a tortilla-making party in the kitchen at our place, with lots of card games, fruits, and mini-tostadas. Soo great!
Today, after a six a.m. Cappoeria, I think we´re just gonna have a lazy rest of the day... Spanish lessons start Tuesday!