We arrived late last night in Momostenango, after a crazy drive up the mountain roads. Lots of detours, lots of traffic, some landslides, and a police encounter landed us safely at the new and fancy hotel in Momos. Peter and I are staying with Abraham and Feliciana (Abraham is the co-founder of the Friendship School Foundation and one of the main teachers at the school) -- However, we got in late enough that sleeping at the hotel for the night would be easier on the family.
This morning, we could finally see the awesome view around the village. It is the last map-worthy town in this area, and from here on out are just dirt roads to other barrios. The city is beautifully decorated for the town's annual fiesta, with banners up and streamers hanging from the church to the surrounding buildings. The market was in town today, and we walked around for a few hours because it is only in town on Wednesdays and Saturdays. We got lucky and saw some traditional dancing that is part of Momos' big festival.
Afterwards, we finally got to go see the school-- Instituto K'amawaqnik' ! It is a great brick building, with two floors, bathrooms, and now six new computers!
I have to head out to dinner at Feliciana's, but we will surely write more later. We miss all our friends in Antigua -- sending besos to Frank and Luisa, Rhet, Carina, and all the other travellers we met!