Well, here it is: yet another pathway for keeping in contact. Basically, it's just another blog. Except this one is by Maddie Kenney.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Pictures galore!

Finally, a collection of the promised pictures I owe you all.

Here are the mountains I had the good fortune to stare at for four months:
...And again, with a creeping snow line:
So beautiful.

Also, thought I'd put up a few pictures of things I've painted (sorta). I went through a phase of boredom at Quest, and started mixing cut-and-paste with colored pencil and acrylics. They don't mean anything, so don't read too deep...

Apologies for the poor picture quality...

These two go together-- Put up like the girl is having a dream.

I have another to put up, but my camera just died...So, in good time.

I spent a solid 4 1/2 hours in the ceramics lab yesterday, and threw a good amount of things on the wheel. I am getting the hang of it...even starting to make multiples of the same items. Hopefully I can start making dish sets to sell at farmers markets! I am saving up for the cheapest potter's wheel on the market, so I can start making things at home.

Another update: I have found not only what I want my major to be, but where!! Only two Universities in Washington have Neuroscience degrees: Western Washington University, and Washington State University. You can probably imagine that I really don't want to be in Bellingham or Pullman...BUT: WSU has a campus in Vancouver, WA (ahem, about 15 minutes from Portland)-- and they are going to have their Neuroscience major program approved this fall (so says my inside information, aka an advisor). AND: they allow people living in Portland to go to WSU for in-state tuition! So, basically, shabacon. (noun; an exclamation of achievement). I can study brains and live in the city that's stuck in the 90s! Dream of dreams!

Well, I have to go brave the nasty, stormy weather to go to work, but in the meantime, enjoy this follow-up to the last video I posted...A neuroscience follow-up that is!