Well, here it is: yet another pathway for keeping in contact. Basically, it's just another blog. Except this one is by Maddie Kenney.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Because I love the unknown?

Let's start by addressing my major fears, in order:

1. Diabetes.

 I'm serious. Probably not a great #1 fear, considering my passion for baking....

2. Aliens. Clarification: movie-typical aliens, ya know, the ones with long fingers and slimy heads.


Oh god, I have to write the next one quick-- looking up that picture literally made me gag and halfway close my eyes to avoid looking at that....that THING. Moving on!!

3. Cracking my head open on a rock.
Most people see a nice mountain bike ride. I see a million and one opportunities to crack my head open on a stray rock. Oh well, at least I have scrolled down far enough to avoid the human-hungry glare of that long-fingered excuse for a children's movie.

4. Machinery
More specifically, getting my hands cut off by, or eyes impaled by, machinery. Dear lord.

5. Not knowing what I'm going to do next.
...no visual needed.


Now let's get to how I'm addressing these fears:

#1-  (Diabetes)-- I like to think that, despite my weekly adventures in baking, I eat pretty well. Besides, I really only bake to make other people full and happy :)

#2- (Aliens)-- Well, I watched "Cowboys and Aliens" the other day. Too bad I covered my eyes for half the movie. Ah well, I think the horrific acting was scarier than the aliens anyway.

#3- (Splitting my head open)-- I am still scared of this. Fail.

#4- (Machinery)-- I actually did something about this!! Since Peter is doing work-working with his Dad, he has access to a whole shop full of big, scary machinery. He used a lathe to work wood into a dowel-shape for me, and then I made THIS:

A french rolling pin! For croissants! YAY! (and a Spork fashioned by ol' Pete)

(Ol' Pete)

Alas, I also made a spoon, which broke while I was finishing it on the belt sander. Machinery fear is still with me.

#5- (Not having a single clue what the heck I'm doing with this weird life of mine)-- This is a toughy. So this is my pro-active list to combat that fear: (The OCD in me loves lists, can ya tell?)

  • I have designed my autodidactism course and just need it to get approved by a professor at Evergreen. It's called "Neurobiology and the Location of Consciousness". Stoked!
  • I have a tour-de-Arizona trip planned for mid-March with my besty.
  • I am going to California.....tonight.

Ya proud? Well, if you aren't, don't tell me, cause I'm pretty happy about being in Santa Cruz in roughly 24 hours.

I think this post is long enough, but some goodies to look forward to: I have pictures of all the french pastries I made while staying in Prescott! I'm saving those for their own special page, though....

Well, off we go, trusting Queen Jane and Led Zeppelin to get us there safely and happily!
Queen Jane!

Queen Jane Approximately by Bob Dylan on Grooveshark    <----Play me!