Just a quick post to let you all know that last night Peter and I (and our new friend from England, Carina) went to a restaurant around the corner from our house for something sweet last night...And not only did we find tiramisu, but we also got to listen to an amazing live band play awesome music! Only three guys: two on guitar and one with a whole arrangement of percussion instruments, and they played quite the setlist, including: Traditional Latin dance music, that new Jason Mraz song, some obscure David Bowie song that Nirvana also covered, 'Ring of Fire' by Johnny Cash, a song by Sublime, and a bit of mariachi. It was awesome!! I'm on the track to find their CD...
Peter and I are joining Frank and Louisa tonight to do a 7pm to 7am shift of caring for malnourished babies at Casa Jackson in town. Definitely will write about that experience tomorrow.
Y tambien, ¡hoy es el dia final de clases de espaƱol!